Do you wish to have an enormous woman who could crush you by just stepping you with her bare feet? Or are you astounded by the simple thought that she can carry you around in the palm of her hand, having that power to squeeze the life out of you in a moment, and there is nothing you can do to react and save yourself? The magical maidens on the giantess roleplay cams chat will play this fetish out for you, however, you have imagined it.
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BigAnnah is towering above you, her little twerp, you are surprised to see such a stunning woman, so big and beautiful, but from her perspective, you’re just another ant. You will get exhausted trying to run away from her, while she’s after you, earth-shaking from her steps, trying to stomp you so there’s not even a spot left under her boot.
While you’re running under her, you can see that glorious booty, bigger than anything you’ve ever seen, wishing she could squeeze you whole with it.
You’re purposefully letting yourself to get caught, so she can pick you up, maybe you’ll get to speak a word or two with her. Your squeaky voice is the most annoying thing she has ever heard, so she starts yelling at you to stop, how dare you even utter a word? You’re shaking from the might of her voice, but she’s bored with you anyway, so she puts you in her pocket, and forgets you’re even existing.
Time goes by, you’re wondering what is going on, when suddenly – she picks you up. You’re back at her home, she acknowledges that you want to be used sexually, and she’s feeling really horny right now. She grabs you tight by your legs, and starts showing you between her ass cheeks, they’re so warm and soft, you’re in heaven.
That’s not enough for her to get satisfied, “you’re going in my ass” she says, while you beg her not to, but she doesn’t care. You get pushed inside her bunghole, and you can feel the resistance of her sphincter crushing you before your whole body goes inside.
For a moment there you were afraid that it’s over, you’re going to die inside when suddenly she shits you out.
You’re all soiled up, and she’s mocking you for being her little brown man, you’re no different from a turd, before carrying you over to wash you under her sink with boiling water, so you suffer even more. It was at times fun, but overall a scary experience, you couldn’t be any happier to get out alive, but she’s not finished playing with you.

You look so small and sweet, she could eat you up like a snack. You’re trying to resist, just moments ago you have faced death, and now this.
She grabs you, lays back, and opens her mouth wide, slowly landing you down on her tongue. She starts flickering it on your feet and bare ass, and you can feel the warmth and wetness getting you excited. The moment you’re in, you can do nothing but hope she won’t swallow you, it’s dark and moist inside, and the suspense is making your heartbeat way too fast.
That’s when it happens, you can feel her tongue moving, and she’s starting to suck you whole, just before spitting you out, because she’s done pleasing herself.
You can imagine yourself climbing on soft titties of towering beauties, and conquering them like you’ve just climbed Mount Everest. The scary giantess roleplay cams chat can be played out however you wish, but you need to remember that these mistresses are not keen on pleasing you, they would rather play with their little twerp, like a game of cat and mouse.
The suspense of not knowing whether you’re going to get crushed or used as a sex toy is making this roleplay intense from start to finish.